Thursday, January 11, 2007

To pee or not to pee

That is the question, well at least the question Tumnus has been having. Our Great Dane has been with us just over a week now, and things have been great. We still have a few accidents, but keep a close watch for the all telling doggy squat. Generally, he will go to the door and sniff around and during the night will wake up and make a ruckus around 4:00 to let him out. If we aren't watching he doesn't give us much time to catch him, so it has required a constant watchful eye and a good supply of paper towels and cleaner.

We have setup a webcam to watch Tumnus during the day and make emergency calls to our dog sitter before Tumnus is about to explode. We can hear him and talk to him if needed, though my co-workers look at me strange when I mysteriously talk to my computer screen. A couple of days ago, we couldn't get the dog sitter - my Father in-law who lives a block away - there in time. To our horror we watched helplessly as Tumnus deflated and spewed diarrhea all over the cage. He wasn't happy about his predicament either. Felt bad for the little guy.

Good news now though. His stool is firming up and it does seem to be related to the switching of his food. He wouldn't touch his old stuff from the breeder, but we have been persistent in trying to get him to eat some of it. It seems to be working. We also brought a sample of his pooh to the vet for analysis. We should get that report back this Saturday or Monday.



Christina said...

I'm sure everyone will be thrilled once our posts aren't about pee or poo any more.

I'm beginning to think there isn't much more in the life of a puppy, though... :)

Anonymous said...

haha, don't you love walking around wiht a bag of poo...haha....

sure there's more, there's puppy kisses and cuddles

Anonymous said...

come on...6 days since your last post!!